Friday, May 27, 2011

MAC - Week 4 Peer Blog Reply

Original Post by Monica Heaney
    “Being the Board” is something I’ve learned this year with a full time job, Graduate school, three young children, and a husband. Making the choice to go back to school was difficult, but I committed myself and here I am. If I decided not to go through with this Graduate program, I am certain that I would have blamed my husband for not being able to help out, or the ages of my children and their needs.  I don’t think it was a conscious decision to “be the board,” I needed it to be that way and it has actually benefited my family and me.  Through this crazy year, I have learned to give everyone in my family an A for helping and understanding. They have all kept that grade up. My husband has especially earned the A. I feel like this year we have all become game pieces who worked strategically to get through homework, tests, games, holidays, and special occasions. Now, I can happily say that the end is almost here, my kids are happy and well, and I think food shopping is going to be my husband’s new permanent job. More importantly, my kids have seen the value my husband and I place on education rather than just hear about it. We were all students this year and we have all learned so much. 
My Reply:
Monica, what great thoughts. You are such an amazing woman. I have admired you through this whole program. I had a hard enough time balancing a full time job, this program, a husband and a spoiled dog. I can't imagine having to throw 3 active children into the mix. I am so proud of you and how well you have done. Being "a board" is not always easy but sometimes necessary. I have learned doing things for your self is ok, in most cases it benefits more people than just your self. I wish you all the best and hope we stay in touch for years to come.

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