Friday, October 15, 2010

BP9_Drop Box

(video from

This is a wonderful tool that has already made my life easier this week! Drop Box is free online storage and more. First of all, you begin with 2G of space, then you can invite other to join. If they join and use the tool, you get 250MB more free space. You can earn up to 8GB of free storage space.

It gets even better! This is not only a great storage tool, but also a collaborative tool. You can share folders with other Drop Box users to trade files, work on documents together keeping them in one safe location. You will never have to try and coordinate who will do their part and send it on first, second, last, etc.

I have used this tool with colleagues this week while working on a two performances coming up. We have all enjoyed the ease of adding information, tweaking formatting, adding clips to movies, as well as many other uses.

Another great feature of Drop Box is the live folder. Once you install the software a folder named “Drop Box” comes up in Finder on a Mac or in My Computer on a PC. A message appears on the screen as a quick bubble saying that a file has been added or removed from your shared folder or folders. Once you add a file to your Drop Box folder, or make changes and save to a file already in the folder it immediately updates the changes to the folders of the people sharing that folder.

The other wonderful thing with Drop Box is that it almost completely eliminates the need of jump drives which I lose or destroy on a regular basis.

This is a tool you have to try. I do not think I will ever conduct work the same thanks to Drop Box. I will always have the files I need anywhere I go.

1 comment:

  1. Anna,
    I loved reading your analysis on Dropbox. I believe you are correct that this will eliminate the need for jump drives. Actually it makes me wonder will everyone soon store all their data in this way? When utilizing storage with an online medium you would have access from any computer or device that connects to the Internet.

    The other benefit you pointed out was the ability for collaboration. This sounds like a perfect tool in group projects.

    Thanks for the awesome review. I look forward to reading your other posts.
